+46 737843474
Lisa Englund
Translating the Wilderness

Photo: Barthélémy Garcia
The forest – our church, our god, our mother. My aim has been to explore our relationship to the forest by using it as the basis for my practice. With the starting point of a longing from my childhood to be a troll, I have tried to approach the wilderness around us and within us. I have gathered mushrooms and plants and have used them to dye woollen yarn. I see this process as a means of giving the material life, by transferring the magic of the forest onto the yarn. My degree project has resulted in figurative tapestries, dictated by the colours I have achieved and the questions that have emerged from this experience.

Träskmarchen (The swamp marsch), 2023
Photo: Barthélémy Garcia

Träskmarchen (The swamp marsch), 2023
Photo: Barthélémy Garcia