Exhibition: 20—26 May
Macau, b. 1997
+46 0766343398

Weng Sut Vong

The Emotion Repair Playground
Weng Sut Vong

Emotions are complex, subjective and indefinable. They are not so easily seen or touched, but they have a strong influence on our daily lives.

My degree project is an experiment and an exploration on how to depict emotions in poetic metaphors in order to make them concrete and tangible. It also acts as a reminder not to overlook our inner feelings which should be taken care of instead.

The Emotion Repair Playground is a website that creates a fanciful playground of everyday life objects, a list of metaphors which visualise emotions with tongue-in-cheek illustrations, animations and interactive elements. I hope these will be understood in a humorous way by as many people as possible, since I believe laughter is the best common language we share as humans.

… or a space for me to legitimise my daydreams.

Weng Sut Vong
Weng Sut Vong
Metaphor for Happiness