Vanessa Abbott

I Had a Dream I Was Awake and I Woke Up to Find Myself Asleep
Vanessa Abbott

My degree project is born out of both frustration and fascination with the unspoken and the hidden in the human inner world. I’m constantly contemplating what lies beneath the surface, within myself and others.

In the realm of imagination and dreams, we can access the hidden corners of our subconscious. When we sleep, we can process emotions, events, and desires and conjure images and scenes we cannot access in the waking state. The surreal, strange, and incomprehensible become prominent.

My degree project explores dreams and surrealism, delving into what exists beyond words. With the aid of clay and my hands, I can shape my reality and bring to life my inner worlds. I want to share the unsaid, to offer a glimpse of my inner self. I’m opening the door to let out that which cannot be put into words.