Inca Leijonborg

– Redefining the interior of the cinema to a contemporary screening scene.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful cinema in Stockholm called Draken. This story is about her, a lost public space that once boasted many qualities and expectations. Sadly, today, she is nothing more than a large storage facility where Stockholm residents can rent a few extra square meters. My degree project, The Awakening of Draken highlights the importance of adapting to changing behaviours in the context of cinemas and screen watching, and to update the cinema room and revive these public spaces for future use.
The proposal focuses on contemporary behaviours of interacting with moving images, such as watching movies, dancing, sing-alongs and gaming, among others. By creating a narrative around it, and a spatial dramaturgy in the interior, I aim to tell an alternative story where Draken in the future is transformed into an atmospheric and thriving place for social interaction and screen viewing.