Iris Löthén

Voyria is a plant that lives on parasites from fungi instead of photosynthesis. The plant is part of the gentian family and lives for several years. Inspired by Voyria’s symbiotic relationship with fungi, I have created a degree project named after the plant.
Voyria is the story of creativity, artistry and reflection. Memories from the past are combined with an investigation of the development of fungi and the symbiotic relationships of the primeval forest. The degree project has resulted in a publication, a film and music. By listening to mushroom biodata and studying a mushroom’s life cycle, I have interpreted the data in an attempt to communicate with the mushroom.
Voyria is a degree project that deals with both analog and digital methods, music and painting, text and graphic design.
My thoughts are based on the mushroom’s life cycle. I reflect on the experiences of the years and the connection between the phases of the years and the mushroom. I visualize networks and systems. I photograph and interpret the real data as an attempt to understand the mushroom’s needs. This is Voyria.