Katarina Seth
My work revolves around young people’s stories about their everyday life in an urban space and their dreams for it. In the Jordanian capital Amman, I conducted four workshops in stop-motion animation together with participants between the ages of fifteen and twenty. The project was an international collaboration between Hägerstensåsen’s Medborgarhus and the local organisation Seven Hills, which aims to develop young people’s access to public space and their right to meaningful activities outside of school. The aim was to teach the participants the necessary skills that would allow them to lead future courses and to investigate narratives about one’s own city through stop-motion animation.
As part of the degree project, I’m arranging together with four other students from the Teacher Education Programme in Visual Arts a symposium during the Degree Exhibition which will create a platform where didactic discussions can be held and explored together with guests and audience in relation to the individual projects.