Sonoka Minami

This is an architectural proposal. Living alone in a foreign country for the first time was harder and lonelier than I expected. For me, being thrown into a city and not knowing where I am, every day feels like a challenge. However, at the same time, it is also certain that I am experiencing a freedom that… Continue reading Sonoka Minami

Mika Lindblad

I am making sustainable semi-permanent walls with acoustic properties for public and office spaces. The purpose of my degree project is to investigate the potential for using brickworks as an inspiration for adaptable walls in offices and public spaces. I will explore how sustainable, lightweight materials such as hemp or wool can be used to… Continue reading Mika Lindblad

KunSik Choi

I apply the architectural concepts of Solid and Void to the interior spaces that are in contact with and used in our daily lives. By applying these two concepts to furniture, objects, and the basic elements of architecture that compose spaces, it could reveal the potential of space and objects that exist right next to… Continue reading KunSik Choi

Emilia Forsman

— Re-visioning Rituals Through Artificial Intelligence I believe our future lifestyle will involve taking good care of what we already have and focus on bringing meaningfulness to our lives through new experiences and deeper human connections, instead of buying unnecessary things. Using artificial intelligence as a tool, I’m re-visioning the rituals around taking care of… Continue reading Emilia Forsman

Yueming Li

Endless Moonlight delves into the rich cultural significance of the moon in Chinese culture. Through a series of individual illustrations, I have visualised the imagining and interpretation of the moon from both cultural and personal perspectives. My degree project aims to serve as a bridge for sharing and cultural communication, providing audiences from diverse backgrounds… Continue reading Yueming Li

Taurai Valerie Mtake

Typography and type design have always been of particular interest to me, and I’ve long harboured a desire to create something that could benefit my homeland of Zimbabwe, Africa and the wider world through norm creativity. I imagine how it could have looked if it were not for the Latin or Roman alphabet. The Shona… Continue reading Taurai Valerie Mtake

Ludi Leiva

A Home Is a Portal is a collection of illustrated short stories documenting a quest for home across disparate geographies. As the long shadow of ancestral displacement, colonisation, and exile renders each attempted homecoming just beyond reach, the introspective pages of this experimental picture book in-the-making chronicle the call to realise a veritable vision of… Continue reading Ludi Leiva

Gabriel Gabriel Garble

In my animation practice, all inputs have come directly from my hand. As earthlings, we share the same space as other earthlings. We have never lived as an isolated species, but we live as if we are. If images have power, then I want to reproduce images that amplify nonhuman presences, and not further perpetuate… Continue reading Gabriel Gabriel Garble

Hedvig Bergman

The egg tooth cracked a little hole in one of the empty eggs. I looked into it and saw a starry sky as the thousands of spores in the shell shined through from the outside. Vanilla in the context I most commonly see it, blended into milk and egg, an inverted starry sky.

Categorized as Fine Art

Jonathan Berglund

The need to lessen our impact on the climate and make objects that last longer is becoming increasingly clear. We can do this by making things more durable and repairable but what happens when the needs of the user changes? How can we know what needs the future will bring? My degree project explores a… Continue reading Jonathan Berglund